When it comes to supporting OBAT’s mission, we have created many pathways to give your gifts. Here are some additional ways that you can give and become an OBAT helper!

Please make the check payable to “OBAT Helpers Inc.” and mail it to the address below:

PO BOX 3070
McLean, VA 22102

To make a direct deposit or wire transfer, please contact us at contact@obathelpers.org or 317.203.0603 to obtain the necessary information for making your contribution

Donating appreciated stocks, bonds or mutual funds enables you to make a bigger impact and receive a larger tax deduction. Your charitable gift as well as your tax deduction automatically increases when you choose to directly donate stocks versus when you sell them and donate the after-tax proceeds to us. The tax deduction received by you is for the full fair market value of the stock, bond, or mutual fund. 

Making a stock donation is very easy. All you need is our brokerage account number. Contact us at  contact@obathelpers.org when you are ready to make a stock donation.

Include OBAT in your will

Leave a lasting legacy that enables us to provide sustainable and transformative change for future generations of the communities we serve. A simple way of ensuring that your footprints continue to create an impact in people’s lives is by leaving a bequest in your will. A bequest is a sentence in your will that states the amount you would like to bequeath to a charity. Bequests may include cash, stocks, or other types of property, such as artwork, or real estate.  However, we are currently set up to receive cash or stock bequests only. Please consult your attorney on how to include a bequest in your estate plan or will and to be aware of the tax consequences of making a legacy gift. 

Since it is important to ensure that amid other information, the correct legal name of the charity is used, we are offering some sample language here:

Unrestricted bequest of cash/stocks

If you are considering making an unrestricted bequest of cash to OBAT Helpers, the following language is recommended:

I hereby bequeath _________ (Amount of US $’s) in cash or stock value to OBAT Helpers Inc., a nonprofit organization located at 1100 W. 42nd. St., Ste. 125 A, Indianapolis, IN 46208, Federal Tax ID #47-0946122, for any purpose deemed essential by OBAT Helpers in pursuance of its mission to serve the underprivileged. 


Restricted Bequest of cash/stocks

If you are considering making a restricted bequest of cash to OBAT Helpers to support a specific program, the following language is recommended:

I hereby bequeath _________ (Amount of US $’s) in cash or stock value to OBAT Helpers Inc., a nonprofit organization located at 1100 W. 42nd. St., Ste. 125 A, Indianapolis, IN 46208, Federal Tax ID #47-0946122, to support the following program of OBAT Helpers: [insert specific program].

Many employers match their employees’ contributions to OBAT Helpers. Your donation can double in value and impact through an employer match.

Click HERE to see which amazing organizations are currently matching donations!

Search for your company below and follow the prompts:

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation

Your friends and family can make a huge difference by joining you in your journey with OBAT. By starting an online fundraiser for OBAT, your impact will multiply manifold, enabling you to transform the lives of many more individuals.  

Start your fundraiser and invite your friends by clicking HERE

If you would like to make grant recommendations directly from your Donor Advised Fund, you can do so easily through this form. Upon clicking on “next,” you will be leaving OBAT’s website.

Support OBAT Helpers while you shop or sell!

When you shop on AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate a portion of the sales proceed to OBAT. Just select OBAT as your favorite charity on AmazonSmile.

eBay for Charity also enables users to support their favorite charities when they buy or sell in the U.S. and abroad. Up to 100% of the proceeds can be donated by a seller to a charity of their choice. Buyers on eBay have the option to add a donation to their purchase during checkout.

The best charity is a continuous one. That’s a type of giving with staying power: and what better way to give in continuous charity than to give to a cause that creates continuous change? 

You can become an OBAT Change Maker and create continuous change by giving monthly to help many of the approximately 300,000 internally displaced camp residents and 1.2 Million Rohingya refugees who are struggling to survive throughout Bangladesh.

Your monthly gifts allow the lives of camp and refugee families to be transformed through education, health services, community development, family assistance, and empowerment programs that BREAK the cycle of poverty for good.

Become an OBAT changemaker by clicking HERE!

Countless lives depend on the work OBAT does with your support. For this reason, it is extremely important that the services we provide for the vulnerable are never interrupted due to fluctuations in funding and economic downturns. An endowment ensures that this never happens. It provides annual support for our operating budget and ensures the long term viability and sustainability of our projects by creating a buffer against an unfavorable environment and external events.

Contribute to our endowment and help us uphold our values by remaining fiscally responsible and financially prudent as well as ensure our stability in the long run. Your donations towards our endowment will grow as investments in shariah compliant stocks and create a solid foundation for OBAT’s future.

To donate to OBAT’s endowment, simply choose “endowment” from the options menu in the donation form.

If you are 72 or older, you can donate up to $100,000 per year from your IRA, allowing you to exclude the amount of your RMD (required minimum distribution) from  your taxable income, even if you don’t itemize your taxes each year.