Education Program - Obat Helpers

Education Program

Donated: $23,000.00
Education Program

According to the Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU)- a University of Dhaka affiliated research group, 94 percent of today’s Urdu speaking community are illiterate, compared with a national average of 46 percent.

Recognizing education as one of the most important tools to sustainable change, OBAT Helpers  provides technical training, basic education, scholarships, and tutoring assistance. As a result of the education they receive, the camp residents attain access to employment opportunities and get empowered to live a normal life.

OBAT’s educational projects in the Urdu-speaking camps collectively educate more than 7,000 children presently. Altogether, OBAT operates more than 50 educational and training projects, including schools, tutoring, sewing and computer training centers.  Almost 1,200 scholarships are being offered to students pursuing education at different levels (middle school to higher education).

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