Take Action

Adopt a Project

Is there an OBAT Helpers project that really touches your heart? Now is your chance to reach out and make a difference! This four step program allows you to raise funds toward any of our projects and create an indelible impact on the lives of  the unfortunate camp residents. You, along with your family and friends, can join hands and provide help by adopting educational programs, tutoring centers, health clinics, drinking water projects and individual families. You can also fund college scholarships and camp improvement projects. Join the movement by following these simple steps!

Step # 01


Find the perfect project that fits your interests, budget and time commitments. Check out the  “What we do” menu on our home page to learn about our projects and to help you decide which one to support.  If you would like to know what cities are specific projects located in, click here. Call or email, we are here to help! Next, choose an attainable fundraising goal which can be reached by encouraging contributions from your friends, family, or colleagues. OBAT Helpers is there for guidance and support in order for you to have the necessary tools to make your project a reality. Don’t be afraid to be ambitious! With the right approach, you can even sponsor the whole project and have it named after your group!

Step # 02


What fundraising method sounds interesting to you? There are countless approaches you can implement! We encourage you to do something you enjoy to raise awareness and funds for your project. Let us know how we can help you! Some of our current project sponsors began by holding informal gatherings at their homes and inviting friends and family for tea.

Step # 03


Tell your friends, family, colleagues and neighbors about your project using our social media tools and invite them to your events. Keep them connected to the project by sending progress updates and impact reports. We will of course, provide these to you.

Step # 04


Once the project is sponsored for a year, you will receive reports on the impact you have made on the lives of the forgotten people. This is a great tool to share with your group to strengthen their support.