Dr. John Clark - Obat Helpers

Dr. John Clark

Dr. John Clark

Dr. John Clark is recognized as one of Central Indiana’s leading experts on international affairs. Until 2005 he was a senior fellow at Hudson Institute and Director of the Center for Central European and Eurasian Studies. In 2005 he helped establish the Sagamore Institute for Policy Research, a think tank in Indianapolis. He is the author of more than a hundred books, articles and reports about topics such as the collapse of communism, environmental policy, welfare reform in the United Kingdom, economic development in Central Asia and immigration in Indiana. He is currently an adjunct professor at Indiana University’s School of Public and Environmental Affairs, where he teaches graduate courses in topics such as leading and governing in a global society; proposal writing and grant management; and social entrepreneurship. Among the nonprofit boards on which John has served are the Indiana Council on World Affairs, Exodus Refugee Immigration, Big Car Arts Collective, and the Latino Youth Collective. John is currently Director of Development/IT for the Center for Interfaith Cooperation. The Indianapolis Star has called him “the foremost public intellectual in Indiana.” John received his BA in Political Science from the University of Washington, and his MA and PhD from the University of California at Berkeley.