Urdu Speaking - Obat Helpers

Urdu Speaking

Urdu Speaking Community

The Urdu speaking community housed in the decrepit camps, have no access to clean water and live on less than a dollar a day. Their entire families live in tiny 8 ft. by 10 ft. tin and bamboo huts; the children don’t go to school so that they can help their parents make a living; they suffer from myriad health issues, including malnutrition; and the living conditions are unsanitary and shameful.

OBAT has established schools, health clinics, tutoring, computer training and vocational centers along with a self-empowerment program. Provision of basic amenities for the camp residents through infrastructure development, is a priority. Education and economic empowerment are the areas of focus as together, they have the potential to lift the camp dwellers out of dire poverty and hopelessness.  

Through a judicious and strategic mix of aid, education, vocational training and self-empowerment initiatives, OBAT aims to improve the lives of these unfortunate people and to replace their misery with happiness, hope and self-worth.