NLJ High School - Obat Helpers


NLJ High School

NLJ High School was originally established by the Red Cross and changed hands administratively a couple of times between 1976 and 2004. Surovi-Plan, a non-government organization ran the school from the year, 2005. The classes offered at that time were Pre-K to grade five. In 2008, OBAT Helpers stepped forward and increased the grade level to grade eight and started funding grade six to eight from henceforth. It later added grade nine and ten as well. Up to this year, many students from this school have taken their Secondary School Certificate (SSC) or High School exams from the Dhaka education board and have been later successfully admitted into colleges.

The school has five class rooms and one room for teachers. Students study in the 1:30 to 5:30 shift. One hundred and forty-nine students in the 11-15 years age group study here. The staff comprises of seven qualified teachers, all of whom have undergraduate degrees. The school has always had eminent educationists as principals. Twelve subjects are taught here, from Science to Sociology. Other than that, extra-curricular activities such as sports and writing competitions are also offered by the school.

Dr. Shadia Jalal from Carmel, Indiana has been supporting the NLJ High School and we are immensely grateful to her for her generosity.


OBAT Helpers is a 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization committed to providing aid, support, education and economic empowerment to displaced, stranded and refugee populations residing in camps in Bangladesh.
