Syedpur School - Obat Helpers


Syedpur School

OBAT Syedpur in partnership with Friends of Humanity (FOH) have initiated a new project. FOH runs four elementary schools in Syedpur camps. The students from these schools after completing fifth grade and successfully passing the PSC (Primary School Certificate , public exam) would not have been able to continue their education further. To give these students a chance to continue their education , OBAT has established a school which presently consists of the sixth grade level. It consists of fifty-five students feeding in from FOH’S elementary schools.

Currently, the Syedpur School is being sponsored with the generous support of OBAT Canada.


OBAT Helpers is a 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization committed to providing aid, support, education and economic empowerment to displaced, stranded and refugee populations residing in camps in Bangladesh.