Word Index - Obat Helpers

Word Index

Word Index

Some terms you might come across on our website:


At Eid-ul-Adha, animals are sacrificed by financially sound Muslims to commemorate the sacrifice made by Prophet Abraham. The meat of the animals is distributed to relatives and disadvantaged people.


Muslims are required to give away a specific percentage of their designated wealth and property to the needy and poor every year.


Muslims are encouraged to share their wealth with the deserving and receive many blessings  from God by doing so. This form of charity is voluntary and is not a requirement.


The celebratory holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting.


A month of fasting from sunrise to sunset.  It is determined by the lunar calendar. Muslims abstain from not only eating and drinking during this time but from all undesirable acts and words.


A celebration that follows Hajj, the pilgrimage to Makkah.

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