Rahena Begum is the head teacher/principal of OBAT’s Sardar Bahadur Nagar School.The school has 450 students enrolled in it; this is the highest number of students in all of the seven schools of OBAT. Rahena Begum has worked as a teacher for the NGO, Concern Worldwide for 20 years. Now, some of the students she taught are serving as teachers in her school. Rahena Begum enjoys a great reputation as a friendly and amiable co-worker and an effective manager of the school as well. The school is flourishing under her leadership and dedication. Being a widow, she has raised her children on her own but has reaped the fruits of her labor as her son studied to become an engineer. Rahena wants to dedicate the rest of her life to serving this school. Thank you for your dedication and commitment, Rahena Begum.
Week 4 of thank yous- Rahena Begum.
Rahena Begum