Visit & volunteer at the APPNA convention

OBAT Helpers is looking forward to meeting many old and new friends at the APPNA convention and raise awareness for its programs for vulnerable communities in Bangladesh. Join us in our mission by visiting and sharing your ideas with us or by volunteering at our booth. Encourage your children( ages 16 and above) to participate, gain volunteer hours & learn...

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OBAT’s advisor visits projects in Bangladesh

Mr. Aftab Iqbal assumes many roles in OBAT's Family. He is an advisor, a donor, a friend, a mentor and much more. Mr. Iqbal has visited the camps many times. During June, he and his wife, Mrs. Nadra Iqbal, visited the camps again and have been touring different cities and projects of OBAT. They have met with the staff to...

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Environment Fair Creates Awareness and Interest on World Environment Day

An Environment Fair was organized by OBAT’s Ferozeshah School students on June 5th.  The day has been designated by the United Nations to create awareness of our actions on our environment. Students presented different projects on noise, water and air pollution, use of dustbins, petroleum and natural gas creation using polythene and plastic. Some students also shared the concepts of...

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We’re still accepting Qurbani donations!

  There is still time to make Eid-ul-Adha sweeter for countless deserving individuals. The last time many of these people enjoyed meat was probably at the last Eid. You can also reap the reward of giving charity during these blessed days of Dhul-Hijjah by automating your donations. Giving everyday means you are doing good deeds and reaping their rewards during each...

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Rangpur Clinic starts emergency care and hosts food distribution

OBAT's Rangpur Clinic is located by a main road and receives many victims of road accidents. These people have to usually seek primary care from hospitals that are located in far off areas. The clinic staff started an emergency care section with the resources available but plan to expand it in the future. The Clinic also distributed packages consisting of nutritious...

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