
Ramadan Mubarak! With your support, we are all set to achieving our goal of $1 million for this Ramadan

In the past year, you provided the right to Clean Water & Sanitation to over 17,900 people! Through our Infrastructure Development Program, we installed 15 handpumps, 3 motorized deep tube wells, 6 semi deep tubewells and also constructed a couple of bathrooms. Nearly 110,000 people benefitted from distribution of rations, relief supplies and Qurbani meats.  Not just this, we also extended health care to over 68,000 people!  This was all possible ONLY BECAUSE OF YOU!

As you observe Ramadan & reflect on your worldly blessings this year, we request you once again to consider OBAT Helpers in your Zakat donations. Your donations give the displaced and disadvantaged people another chance at life! With your support, we can achieve our Ramadan Goal of $1 million to break the poverty cycle and empower these people to live with dignity. 

This Ramadan, help us reach our Ramadan goal and let’s bring some transformational changes!

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