Think tank

Think Tank receives much deserved award

The AARVI Foundation in Bangladesh is a youth driven nonprofit and has a mission of improving urban and rural communities in Bangladesh through development initiatives. The foundation invited youth groups around Bangladesh to apply for its Hero Award. Two thousand groups applied! Out of these only 20 organizations received the award. And OBAT’s Think Tank was one of them! Congratulations to our amazing youth who make us proud every day!

Read about the Think Tank Here: OBAT’S Think Tanks are a youth driven initiative that converges the skills and talents of young men and women who want to create a positive change in their environment, under its platform. Think Tank members undertake projects that benefit the camp residents after deliberation and research of current needs and issues faced by their community. Many of their projects are innovative in their approach to solving problems and involve direct action to address them. Think Tank projects run the gamut of initiatives for creating sustainable change through a cleaner environment to improving the health of the community through vaccination efforts and awareness campaigns.

The thought process behind the formation of Think Tanks ties in with OBAT’s core value of empowerment. OBAT is committed to cultivating leaders amongst its staff, students and the community it serves. The goal is to empower them to become change agents who of their own accord, drive transformation in the community around them.

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